The Research Group for Risk Benefit helps to prevent disease and promote health by developing models and methods within the area of risk benefit assessments of foods that can be used to conduct risk-benefit assessments of single foods or diets, rank different risks and estimate the burden of disease.

The focus of the group is to develop models within quantitative health assessment to be used in risk-benefit assessment, risk and benefit ranking, and burden of disease studies.
The models will be used for nutrients, foods, chemical and biological contaminants, diet types, etc. To further develop the models we will use existing data from animal, human and epidemiological studies and also include parameters like food processing, genetic variability and economical aspects. The latter can be used to calculate the economic consequences of fx food processing for society and the food industry.
Population based human intervention studies will be used as a tool to further strengthen the quantitative health assessment models. The intervention studies will be conducted as randomised and controlled from a disease prevention perspective. Furthermore, the effect of specific disease prevention strategies will be estimated by using known and new biomarkers for health and disease.
Morten Poulsen Senior Researcher, Head of Research Group Phone: +45 35887606 morp@food.dtu.dk