Antimicrobial resistance


Report: DANMAP 2018 (pdf)  Web Annex (pdf) and DDAD annex (pdf) and Erratum 2018 (pdf)

Report: The External Quality Assurance System of the WHO Global Foodborne Infections Network, 2017 (pdf)


Report: The External Quality Assurance System of the WHO Global Foodborne Infections Network, 2016 (pdf)

DANMAP 2017 (pdf) and web annex (pdf) and DDAD annex (pdf)


DANMAP 2016 (pdf) and web annex (pdf) and DDAD annex (pdf)

Report: The 2nd EURL-AR proficiency test on selective isolation of E. coli with presumptive ESBL or AMPC phenotypes from meat or caecal samples 2016 (pdf)

Report: The 20th EURL-AR proficiency test - Enterococci, Staphylococci and E. coli 2016 (pdf)

Repor: The 21st EURL-AR Proficiency Test Salmonella, Campylobacter and genotypic characterisation 2016 (pdf)


Report: DANMAP 2015 (pdf) and web annex (pdf) and DDAD annex (pdf) and erratum (pdf)

Report: The External Quality Assurance System of the WHO Global Foodborne Infections Network, 2015 (pdf)

Report: The External Quality Assurance System of the WHO Global Foodborne Infections Network, 2014 (pdf)

Report: The 1st EURL-AR Proficiency Test on selective isolation of E. coli with presumptive ESBL or AmpC phenotypes from meat or caecal samples, 2015 (pdf)

Report: The 18th Proficiency Testing – Enterococci, staphylococci and E. coli, 2015 (pdf)

Report: The 19th Proficiency Testing – Salmonella, Campylobacter and genotypic characterisation, 2015 (pdf) 


Report: DANMAP 2014 (pdf) and web annex (pdf) and DADD annex (pdf)

Report: The 16th EURL-AR Proficiency Test - Enterococci, Staphylococci and E. coli 2014 (pdf)

Report: The 17th EURL-AR Proficiency Test Salmonella, Campylobacter and genotypic characterisation 2014 (pdf) 

Report: The External Quality Assurance System of the WHO Global Foodborne Infections Network, 2013(pdf)

Report: Ringtest for identifikation og resistensbestemmelse af mastitispatogener 2014 (pdf) 


Report: DANMAP 2013 - Use of antimicobial agents and occurrence of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria from food animals, food and humans in Denmark (pdf)


Data for action (pdf)


PhD Thesis: Risk asessment of antimicrobial usage in Danish pig production on the human exposure to antimicrobial resistant bacteria from pork (pdf)

Report: Report of the 2nd External Quality Assurance System on Isolation, Identification and Typing of Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) from Swab Samples, year 2010 (pdf)

Report: The 9th EURL-AR Proficiency Testing Salmonella and Campylobacter 2010 (pdf)

Report: The 8th EURL-AR Proficiency Testing enterococci, staphylococci and E. coli 2010 (pdf)

Ringtesten til identifikation og resistensbestemmelse af mastitispatogener 2011 (pdf)  


Report: The 7th EURL-AR Proficiency Testing Salmonella and Campylobacter 2009 (pdf)

Report: The 6th EURL-AR Proficiency Testing enterococci, staphylococci and E. coli 2009 (pdf)

Ringtesten for identifikation og resistensbestemmelse af mastitispatogener 2010 (pdf)


Report: The 1st External Quality Assurance System on Isolation, Identification and Typing of Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) from Dust Samples, year 2009 (pdf)

Ringtesten for identifikation og resistensbestemmelse af mastitispatogener 2009 (pdf)


The 5th CRL Proficiency Testing - Salmonella and Campylobacter 2008 (pdf)

The 4th CRL-AR Proficiency Testing - enterococci, staphylococci and E. coli 2008 (pdf)

Ringtesten for identifikation og resistensbestemmelse af mastitispatogener 2008 (pdf)


Ringtesten for identifikation og resistensbestemmelse af mastitispatogener 2007 (pdf)

The 3rd CRL Proficiency Testing - Salmonella and Campylobacter 2007 (pdf)

The 2nd CRL-AR Proficiency Testing - Enterococci, Staphylococci and E. coli 2007 (pdf)


Ringtesten for identifikation og resistensbestemmelse af mastitispatogener 2006 (pdf)

The 1st CRL Proficiency Testing - Salmonella and Campylobacter 2006 (pdf)


Ringtesten for identifikation og resistensbestemmelse af mastitispatogener 2005 (pdf)