Plantebaserede fødevarer skal fylde mere på tallerkenen hos de fleste for at spise sundere og mere bæredygtigt, og der bliver brug for flere plantebaserede fødevarer, som verdens befolkning vokser. Samtidig skal fødevaresikkerheden selvfølgelig være i orden, og den plantebaserede mad skal smage godt.
Det var temaet for en konference om plantebaserede fødevarer den 14. september 2023. Konferencen var arrangeret af DTU Fødevareinstituttet samt støttet af Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen og Food & Bio Cluster Denmark.
Se optagelser af oplæg fra morgen- og eftermiddagsprogrammet nedenfor.
v/Christine Nellemann, Director of DTU National Food Institute
Plant-based seafood – Algae as a source of functional ingredients and nutrients
v/Ditte Baun Hermund, Assistant Professor, Research Group for Bioactives – Analysis and Application
Plant proteins: from lab to industrial scale
v/Federico Casanova, Assistant Professor, Research Group for Food Production Engineering
Food safety of plantbased foods: the role of Bacillus cereus
v/Tina Bech Hansen, Senior Scientist, Research Group for Food Microbiology and Hygiene
Keynote: Sensory success factors in plant-based food and how to optimize flavor and texture with simple culinary techniques
v/Christine Bille Nielsen, Food communicator, Chef, Pb in nutrition and health
The overall impact of transitions towards plant-based diets – a case study integrating health and sustainability
v/Sara Monteiro Pires, Senior Researcher, Research Group for Risk Benefit
Moving on to give further knowledge on plant-based foods
v/Christine Nellemann, Director of DTU National Food Institute
Deriving healthy and sustainable diets with the use of mathematical optimization
v/Matilda Nordman, PhD student, Research Group for Nutrition, Sustainability and Health Promotion
Fungal-based protein on industrial side stream
v/Sanne Kjærulf Todorov, PhD student, Research Group for Microbial Biotechnology an Biorefining
Sustainable methods to stabilise and utilise cultivated kelp in high quality and safe food products
v/Caroline Østergaard Klein, PhD Student, Research Group for Food Microbiology and Hygiene
Formation and bio-accessability of processing contaminants in plant-based foods
v/Elnora Abdullajeva, PhD Student, Research Group for Analytical Food Chemistry
Occurrence and bio-accessability of essential and potential toxic trace elements in plant-based foods
v/Julian Cardini, PhD Student, Research Group for Analytical Food Chemistry