Please note: A new assessment has been published in July 2024 (in Danish only: Opdateret risikovurdering af stærke nudelprodukter)
At the request of the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, the DTU National Food Institute has assessed the possible health effects of three noodle products. This assessment was based on the content of capsaicin and other capsaicinoids (referred to as total capsaicin) in the sachets of chili sauces added to the noodles during preparation. The assessment was conducted using available scientific literature, including information on intake levels in previous cases of acute poisoning.
This is an updated assessment following the receipt of analytical data from the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration regarding the composition of the three products.
The risk assessment concludes that the levels of total capsaicin in the products are so high that they may pose a risk of acute poisoning to consumers who consume the contents of a single pack of noodles. Cases of poisoning have been reported among children and adolescents, especially when they took part in challenges on how well they tolerated extremely spicy, pungent chili products.
Distinction between risk assessment and risk management
In Denmark, the DTU National Food Institute is responsible for assessing microbiological and chemical risks in food, whereas the national authorities, in this case, the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, is responsible for deciding how to manage these risks.
Risk assessment is a scientific discipline where researchers evaluate risks based on available data and scientific publications. The foundation of an assessment thus depends on the quantity and quality of the available scientific knowledge.
Risk management is the authority’s decision on whether action is necessary to reduce a risk and, if so, what actions should be taken. In other words, it is the authorities who decide whether a given risk is acceptable.
The responsibility for ensuring that a food product is safe for consumers lies with the producer.
Learn More
Read the risk assessment on the DTU National Food Institute’s website: Assessment of three noodle products based on measurements of total capsaicin content in chilli sauce (pdf).
Please note: A new assessment has been published in July 2024 (in Danish only: Opdateret risikovurdering af stærke nudelprodukter)
Also, visit the DTU National Food Institute's topic site on risk assessments.