For more than 25 years, the DANMAP programme has collected one of the world's largest datasets on antibiotic resistance in bacteria from production animals and their meat in Denmark.
Previously, the figures have been published in an annual report, but now the DTU National Food Institute has launched a digital visualization tool which allows everyone to explore trends in antimicrobial resistance across historical data, with the opportunity to select different antibiotics, bacteria and animal species. The data can be downloaded and visualized in charts and graphs that can be exported in various formats.
“DANMAP Explorer is a new way of making DANMAP data available, so that it is even more targeted to the knowledge needs of our stakeholders and partners. It can be used by everyone, but is probably particularly relevant for veterinarians, farmers, agricultural organizations, the authorities and journalists in this field”, says director of the DTU National Food Institute Christine Nellemann.
Data becomes more accessible
DANMAP Explorer is an important step in terms of communicating and visualizing data in a user-friendly way.
“It is now fast and easy to find the data you need and visualize them in a manageable way”, says Ana Sofia Ribeiro Duarte from the DTU National Food Institute. She is one of the researchers behind DANMAP Explorer.
The researchers are working on further developing the tool, so that it will be updated with real-time data in the future.
“A monitoring system in real time will make it possible to follow the development more closely and thus allow to adapt efforts to the current challenges in order to prevent an increase in antibiotic resistance", says Ana Sofia Ribeiro Duarte.
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Visit DANMAP Explorer
In addition, find more information about the monitoring program on DANMAP's website