Researchers, authorities, industry and other stakeholders from all over the world are invited to participate in the (Q)SAR workshop on 5-9 June 2023.
The 20th International Workshop on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (QSAR2023) in Environmental and Health Sciences will bring together QSAR developers and users from academia, regulators and industry. It will be a place to share information and viewpoints on emerging research results, tools and regulatory use related to (Q)SARs and data analysis for many types of chemical substances including pharmaceuticals.
The international workshops on (Q)SAR in environmental and health sciences have been held in various countries in North America and Europe every two years since 1983. This workshop is thus the 40th anniversary.
Submit abstracts no later than 1 March
If you wish to share your knowledge at the workshop, you can submit an abstract by 1 March 2023 at the latest.
Submit an abstract via the workshop's website
5-9 June 2023
Scandic Falkoner
Falkoner Alle 9
DK-2000 Frederiksberg
Registration will be open soon via the workshop's website
Sign up for the QSAR 2023 mailing list to receive updates about the workshop
Read more
Read more about predictive toxicology on the DTU National Food Institute's website
Visit The Danish (Q)SAR database, developed by researchers at DTU National Food Institute with support from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. The database contains predictions for approx. 650,000 organic substances from more than 70 different (Q)SAR models.