Little, if anything, permeates our lives more than sex and gender. Our sexual development profoundly influences our lives, from birth until the very end. Much of our predetermined sexual phenotype is hidden in our genomes, yet the hormonal milieu where we develop – seemingly safe in our mother’s womb – shapes the way we look, our reproductive fitness, and our sense of self.
What then if the hormonal milieu is disrupted at critical stages of development? In this lecture titled ‘Pushing the boundaries of sex: From hormone regulated fetal development to reproductive disorders caused by endocrine disruptors’, Terje Svingen will tell of how hormones help shape the biological sexes and how he became involved with endocrine disruptors: pervasive environmental chemicals that can challenge the margins of normal sexual development and cause harm at both individual and societal levels.
The lecture will be delivered in English.
See the invitation (pdf) from DTU National Food Institute’s director, Christine Nellemann.
Friday 24 November 2023 from 15.00-16.00 followed by a reception.
DTU Lyngby Campus
Meeting room M1
Building 101A, 1st floor
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Due to a limit on the number of participants and for refreshment arrangements we ask that you register by Tuesday 21 November.
Register here.