Join a conference on plant-based foods on 14 September


Join a conference on plant-based foods on 14 September


14. sep 2023 09:00 - 16:00


9.00 am - 12.30 pm:
Bygning 101
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
2800 Kgs. Lyngby

12.30 pm - 4.00 pm
Bygning 202
2800 Kgs. Lyngby


DTU National Food Institute



Join a conference on plant-based foods on 14 September

Foods of the future must be more plant-based to make the diet healthier and more sustainable, and at the same time be safe and taste good. Gain new knowledge, engage in dialogue with researchers and advisers, and get a tour of some of the research facilities at DTU National Food Institute’s conference on 14 September 2023.

For a healthier and more sustainable diet, most people will need to eat more plant-based foods, and more plant-based foods will also be needed to feed a growing world population. At the same time, food safety must not be compromised, and the plant-based food must taste good.

DTU National Food Institute is working to find new sources of plant-based foods, including extracting protein from side streams in food production and optimizing the utilization of the plant-based resources of the sea. The research also focuses on the food safety of particularly new plant-based foods, and the Institute plays a key role in integrating sustainability into dietary and nutrient recommendations and assessing both the health and sustainability aspects of a plant-based diet.

You can learn more about these topics and much more at the DTU National Food Institute conference on plant-based foods on 14 September 2023. The day provides a unique opportunity to gain new knowledge, engage in dialogue with researchers and advisers from DTU National Food Institute, and experience some of the unique laboratory facilities where the foods of the future are developed.

The conference is particularly relevant for professionals in food companies, industry organizations, research institutions, authorities, and food students. Journalists are also welcome.

It is free to participate in the conference, which is supported by the Danish Agency for Education and Research and Food & Bio Cluster Denmark.