Inaugural lecture

Invitation to professor Egon Bech Hansen’s inaugural lecture

Food safety Food production Biotechnology and biochemistry
The National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, is hosting professor Egon Bech Hansen’s inaugural lecture on Friday 31 October 2014. Egon Bech Hansen will give a lecture on the background, status and perspectives within his research in the area of microbial ingredients in food and feed.

Come and hear Egon Bech Hansen’s inaugural lecture: Industrial Product Development of Microbial Food and Feed Ingredients. The lecture will be in English.

The lecture will highlight uses for microorganisms as ingredients and uses for microorganisms in the production of ingredients. The lecture will be based on examples from the professor’s previous employment within the industry.

The Technical University of Denmark and particularly the National Food Institute conducts substantial research within the area of ingredients and has been instrumental in the establishment of the National Ingredients Centre, NIC. Companies, universities, industry associations and authorities cooperate in NIC to strengthen research, innovation and education in order to maintain and develop the Danish competitiveness within the ingredients area.


See the invitation from the National Food Institute’s acting director Christine Nellemann (pdf).


Friday 31 October 15.00-16.00 hours followed by a reception.


Technical University of Denmark
Meeting room M1
Building 101 A, first floor
Anker Engelundsvej 1
2800 Kgs. Lyngby


Due to a limit on the number of participants and for refreshment arrangements we ask that you register by Wednesday 29 October 2014. Register for the lecture