Inaugural lecture

Invitation to Professor Jørn Smedsgaard’s inaugural lecture

Food safety
The National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, is hosting Professor Jørn Smedsgaard’s inaugural lecture on Friday 4 December 2015. Jørn Smedsgaard will give a lecture on his research, which is driven by a desire to challenge analytical methods in order to understand fundamental biological issues at the metabolite level, produce better data with greater detail, and develop effective and robust methods.

Metabolites and metabolism are central manifestations of all living things. Where the genome reveals an organism’s inherited potential, the metabolites reveal a wide range of the organism’s current conditions such as nutritional status, communication and chemical stress.

These detailed chemical pictures of an organism – the metabolome – provide an important basis to understand the function of organisms – knowledge that is crucial for many decisions fx in the areas like biotechnology and health.

The metabolome is also a central tool in the development of microbial solutions to global challenges fx the production of chemicals (white biotechnology), new pharmaceuticals and solutions within health and the environment.

This is what Professor Jørn Smedsgaard will talk about in his inaugural lecture. Jørn Smedsgaard will take the audience along on his scientific journey, which started out in mass spectrometry and has moved from chemical classification of microfungi and microbial metabolomics to chemical food safety.

The lecture will also look ahead to new opportunities provided by the accelerating technological advancements including to developing robust, efficient and scalable methods, which can make chemical food safety available globally. The lecture will also touch on the new opportunities which are offered through Big Data, open collaborations (communities) and do-it-yourself (D.I.Y).

The lecture will be in English. It is entitled: Challenging analytical chemistry to understand biology. 


See the invitation from the National Food Institute’s director Christine Nellemann (pdf).


Friday 4 December from 15.00 to 16.00 followed by a reception.


DTU Lyngby Campus
Meeting room M.01
Building 101A, first floor
Anker Engelundsvej 1
2800 Kgs. Lyngby


Due to a limit on the number of participants and for refreshment arrangements we ask that you register by Tuesday 1 December 2015. Please register for the lecture via the National Food Institute’s website.